Monday, August 24, 2009

Circus comes to Newark

The Cole Brothers Circus set up its big top in Newark this weekend. The circus is celebrating its 125th year. See the show.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cole Bros. Circus has failed to meet minimal federal standards for the care of animals used in exhibition as established by the Animal Welfare Act. The USDA has repeatedly cited Cole Bros. for failure to provide veterinary care to animals, including elephants who have shown extreme weight loss, and failure to provide adequate space to animals. The USDA filed formal charges of AWA violations against Cole Bros. because the elephants showed signs of being abused with sharp metal bullhooks, a New Jersey humane society charged the circus with cruelty to animals for overloading and overworking an elephant, and two elephants—who were described as malnourished and neglected—died suddenly within a two-week period. In five separate incidents, Cole Bros. elephants have killed two members of the public, injured more than a dozen others, and rampaged during performances, which caused tens of thousands of dollars in property damage. More info at


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